So we had a lesson with our investigator who is a boxer. While we were planning for his lesson we planned on the Plan Of Salvation if he read and if he didn't we would read with him. Well when Sis. Nordstrom was praying right before we went into the lesson, the impression that we should talk about conversion came into my min and so did Alma 36. SO right after the prayer, I warned my comp and the member with us to expect a lesson change. haha When I found out that he didn't read, instantly I knew we should talk about conversion. The Lord is always right my friends! It was exactly what he needed to hear. Several of his concerns came out of the lesson and he admitted that he really want to change and experience the same conversion as Alma the Younger. We were able to testify to him that as He keeps his commitments and draws closer to Christ that change will be natural! He also kept saying "When I get baptized.." It was so awesome. The spirit is so important and we need to always be worthy and attentive to its promptings. It was such a rad lesson and I love be a representative for the Lord.
We also had a lesson with our new investigator who is friends with Sumner Mahaffey. We taught her the rest of the Restoration and invited her to be baptized. And she said YES! Which was great! We also invited her to church and she said she would come but it wasn't very convincing. This week I just kept thinking about how I wanted to show her that we love her. And I remembered that in our first lesson with her, I told her a story about how my dad had given me flowers so we decided to give her flowers! So we dropped by Saturday night and dropped off the flowers and invited her to church again and she said she would come. And SHE TOTALLY CAME! It was so wonderful to see her walk through those doors. She also said that she totally loved and and was so grateful that she came!
In addition to her coming, we had a recent convert and her non member husband, a less active and her nonmember boyfriend (who is a former), and another former investigator come to church! It was sooo amazing! I could just cry!!
This week we just saw so much success. I know the Lord is blessing us for our hard work and obedience. These things are so important in order to be successful missionaries. I think sometimes as missionaries we can be soo hard on ourselves for our weaknesses and for our mistakes but the Lord is easily pleased when we serve with our whole hearts and when we do our best. He knows we will ultimately fall short but that's why we have the Savior. I just know with my whole heart that I would not be able to do this without my Savior. This work has blessed my life immensely and I know that this is where I need to be right now!
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