Hey there everybody. I first want to say that it happened, I finally heard someone pronounce Missouri as Missourah!
Well the subject line of this email was basically the theme of Stake Conference this weekend which was just absolutely crazy with miracles which all started on Saturday!
share was in Mosiah 18:8-10 which is about baptism. When we went out and did visits, we felt impressed to go to our investigators homes who we felt like were avoiding us. Back story: they are an older couple whose daughter joined the church in her youth and they have a ton of friends who are Mormon. They have been taking the lessons and they both knows it's true. They have been invited to baptism but won't commit, saying that they are comfortable where they are at. So, we go see this couple and we see them getting out of their car so we rush to go talk to them. We introduce ourselves and then they let us in. SO we are talking for a long while and they are telling us about their children and grandchildren, etc. Well, when we start talking about the Church, I just felt the Spirit prompting me to ask them why they haven't joined yet. I was wrestling with this for a bit because I was like "I can't ask that, I barely know them." But my hands started to get clammy and I got super nervous so I knew I needed to follow the prompting. So, I asked and they both said they were comfortable where they were at. Well we didn't know what to say so after that we shared the scripture (Mos 18:8-10). We could just tell the wife was touched by the verses and we knew that the Spirit was in the room. So, I bore my testimony with all the power and conviction I could muster up of the importance of the Restored Gospel. I actually choked up when I testified to her that I wouldn't have sacrificed sooo much if this wasn't true. And as I was looking in her eyes while I was bearing mt testimony, she choked up too and I knew she knew the truthfulness of what I was saying. Ever since that moment, I ahvent been able to stop thinking about this family and about our investigators. I just feel so passionate about this gospel. I feel that with every fiber of my being, I will do everything in my power and anything that the Lord asks me to do to make sure that the people here have a chance to receive and gain a testimony of the restored gospel!
This weekend we just really focused on the Hastening of the Work. With the age change, the adult sessions of Stake Conference being focused on missionary work, with General Conference, and with the utlizing of social media in missioanry work, how can we deny that the work is hastening?! We are in the days that the prophecies of the scriptures are being fulfilled! It is truly marvelous to me that this is happening and we get to be apart of it. I feel so inspired to put my whole heart and soul into this work because it is sooo important. How can I do anything else when the Lord has given me such an opportunity!
Something funny, awesome and miraculous happened at stake conference as well. I got to see Sis. Vilinigia and sit by her and talk to her!!!!!! It was sooooo great!! I loved being able to see her. But the funny thing that happened was when we sat down in the adult session, the mission president came over and said hello and told us that if Sis. Zundel (the STL) walks in, have her sit behind him on the stand. And we were like okay cool. Well she never showed up. Soo one of the Elders walked off the stand in the middle of the meeting and brought me a note. The note was from Pres Morgan asking me to speak in a few short minutes on how we work with our WML. I just about threw up! But, I walked up there with all the confidence I could muster (especially because everyone was looking at me) and I told them the importance of the WML and how working with Bro. Garbero has produced miracles. I said other things but I can't remember (I think it was because it was the Spirit talking). But several people came up to me and said they really enjoyed my talk.
This weekend was seriously such an eye opener for me. This work we are apart of is sooo amazing. I LOVE being a missionary. The Lord's hand is in all things and He knows what is best for His children. When we rely on Heavenly Father and the Spirit, we WILL see miracles!
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