A mix of my Arizona culture combined with the Midwest...Happy Cinco de Mayo!
So this week was again pretty uneventful! Sis. Williams and I have come to this conclusion, that our investigators aren't really investigating. We are teaching a bunch of part member families, but they seem to be meeting with us out of convenience rather than actual interest. This week, we had Zone Leader Training, we learned that an investigator is progressing when they actually want to meet with you. So the fact that some of them didn't really want to meet with us was a sign to us that we should probably stop meeting with them. The families love us, but by continuously bringing the spirit into their home and they don't act on the things we teach or they feel, it ends up hurting them more than helping. So our teaching pool is kinda dwindling a bit so we are going to take this week and hit the pavement to find some solid people!
Some things I have realized today and this past week are that being a missionary is sooooooo wonderful! Sometimes I feel like, wow, what asacrifice I am making, but in reality this is the greatest blessing I could ever have. Everyday for 18 months, I get to share what I love with people, I get to become the person Heavenly Father would have me be, I get to become more converted to the Lord, and I get to see people's lives change. Reading Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on Gratitude from this last conference really struck me. We are made of the stuff of eternity! In our lives, there are no such things as endings but only endless and eternal beginnings. Everything we experience is an opportunity for us to change and become refined disciples of Jesus Christ! I love being a missionary and I am soo passionate about this work. Sometimes things don't work out the way we want them too, but we can't ever forget how blessed we truly are! Remember "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." (2 Tim 2:3)
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