Sunday, February 16, 2014

Moving, But Staying

We got transfer calls and all the sisters serving in the YSA are staying!!!! Hallelujah!! I am so stoked. I feel like I have so much to do here and so much that I need to learn here. I honestly love serving here. It's so amazing. But, we moved!! So my companion Sis. Firestone and I got a call Tuesday and told we were moving into our new apt on Wednesday! So we had 24 hrs to pack and move. It was nutso. But when we moved in the apt was disgusting, we had no furniture, no water, no heat, and no electricity. So we had to get all of our utilities going, but we had no cleaning supplies and when the elders brought our furniture, that was gross too. But then our favorite member in the whole world literally saved us! She brought us cleaning supplies and we went to work. So my week was eventful concerning moving, but not so eventful concerning missionary work. I really miss living with the other sisters but it's nice to finally have our own place. We are going to start a posterity banner and have everyone who lives there after us sign it! 
Anyways, this week we rocked the member lessons. So the mission encourages us to meet with the members and get referrals and avoid tracting and contacting! So we meet with the members a lot! But they are so amazing. It's wonderful to meet with people your own age and being able to connect with the same experiences and concerns that they have. There is one girl who told us as of late that she has decided to go on a mission. So to help her, we are doing a weekly Preach My Gospel study. The first time we did it, we focused on the how the purpose of a missionary is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receieve the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. We really went through and disected the word choice. Something that I loved was the word others. Others is all inclusive of nonmembers, less actives, and members. And that's what I realized here. That this area needs help with all of those. Anyways, the spirit was so strong during our discussion that when she gave the closing prayer she cried. It was amazing to see her so touched by the spirit. I Love that we get to love people and help them change and come unto Christ.
Our chinese investigator is doing great. He gets more and more tender everytime we come over! He really embraces the gospel and wants to be a better man! His baptism is on Saturday so it's rad how much success we have seen!
The mission is wonderful. I hope all of you are finding ways in your life to come unto Christ. I know as you do, you will desire to bring others with you!

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